6G Vision White Paper Was Officially Released

4 min readJun 25, 2021


According to CCTV, the IMT-2030 (6G) Promotion Group released today (6th) the “6G Overall Vision and Potential Key Technologies White Paper”.

According to the White Paper, 6G will further expand from serving people, people and things on the basis of 5G to supporting the efficient interconnection of intelligent bodies, realizing the leap from the interconnection of all things to the intelligent connection of all things, and ultimately helping human society realize the beautiful vision of “intelligent connection of everything, digital twin”.

The White Paper points out that on the basis of 5G with high speed, wide connection, low latency and high reliability, 6G will present new development trends such as immersion, intelligence, and global coverage.

In addition, the white paper points out that the future 6G business will present new development trends such as immersion, intelligence, and global coverage. The eight business applications of immersive cloud XR, holographic communication, sensory interconnection, intelligent interaction, communication perception, inclusive intelligence, digital twin, and global coverage will depict a rich and colorful social life scene for us in the future.

Intelligent business applications such as communication perception, inclusive intelligence, digital twin, etc. with the help of new capabilities such as perception and intelligence, while further improving the performance of 6G communication system, will also help complete the digitization of the physical world, and promote human beings to enter the virtual digital twin world.

The white paper also puts forward ten potential key technology directions of 6G, including new physical dimension wireless transmission technology, new spectrum utilization technology, communication perception integration technology and other new wireless technologies, computing power aware network, satellite ground integrated network, etc.

The IMT-2030 (6G) Promotion Group believes that future 6G networks will still be based on terrestrial cellular networks, and that a variety of non-terrestrial communications such as satellites, drones and airborne platforms will play an important role in achieving seamless space-air-ground integration coverage.

The IMT-2030 (6G) Promotion Group was established in June 2019 under the guidance by China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology to bring together all forces of industry, academia, research and application to comprehensively layout 6G vision requirements, key technologies, spectrum planning, standards development, promoting international exchange and cooperation.

Not only that, the US, Japan, South Korea, Europe, etc. have joined in 6G research programs, while China Mobile, China Unicom, ICT Institute, CCID think tank and other Chinese institutions have released a series of White Papers on 6G.

6G, referring to the 6th generation mobile networks, is also known as the 6th generation mobile technology, which is currently seen as a concept name in contrast to 5G.

Compared to 5G, 6G has a 50-fold increase in terms of data transmission rate, with a theoretical network speed of 1TB/s and latency as low as 1/10. 5G can now be widely used in the Internet of Things, industrial Internet of Things, Telematics and other fields, and can help edge intelligence, machine learning, healthcare, energy and smart city industries to gain new progress.

Industry experts say that if 5G is opening the door to the interconnection of all things, 6G will enable the intelligent connection of all things. With higher rates, lower latency and wider scope of connection, 6G can be applied in high-frequency resources such as millimeter wave and terahertz, enabling them to be combined with AI technologies to create even further connectivity.

In addition, from the coverage, 6G wireless network is no longer limited to the ground, but will achieve a seamless connection of ground, satellite and airborne network, and the deep integration with artificial intelligence and machine learning, improving the degree of intelligence significantly; from the positioning accuracy, the positioning accuracy of traditional GPS and cellular multi-point is limited, so it is difficult to achieve accurate deployment of indoor items. However, 6G is sufficient to achieve high-accuracy positioning of IoT devices.

6G is also receiving attention for the changes in life. The White Paper also points out 6G will lead to the development of new displaying, sensing, imaging devices and other technologies, which will likely turn cell phones into lightweight glasses, and beyond that, 6G achieves XR (Extended Reality) services by integrating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR). Through the development of fast network and VR technology, 6G can also be applied in the field of remote education, remote office, advanced 3D simulation, etc.

Holographic technology is a technology that records and reproduces real three-dimensional images of objects based on the principles of interference and diffraction. The ideal holographic display should be realized based on the naked eye, and when necessary, can also be achieved with the aid of a headset and AR/VR technology.

The report notes that it is clear that 5G services go far beyond the overall needs of cell phones and even personal electronics, and that this will be even more true for 6G. The communication between items will be more vital than that between human. The 6G basic specification should include at least the needs for sensing, location, edge computing, highest definition imaging, and communications. For humans, 6G response time seems to be instantaneous and mobile devices do not have cell-to-cell switching.

Relying on 6G network, holographic technology will be integrated into application scenarios such as communication, telemedicine, office design and entertainment games, to realize the interaction between the projected content and users, greatly reducing the distance between the communication information and users, and establishing an information dissemination method with the “human experience” as the core.

